A New Hobby

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I have always enjoyed being in the outdoors.  I have lived on a farm all my life, enjoy traveling, and have a sense of adventure.  What better way than to start Geocaching?  I started in 2011 and starting to gain momentum.  Hopefully my stories of adventures will help you on your journey.

My geocaching equipment has been my Tom Tom GPS in my car and my Iphone using the Geocaching.com software.  We are in the process of saving some money to get a handheld GPS.

I usually go with my best friend on geocaching hunts.  It's usually sporatically when we do go, but we try to find a few if we are out of town.  The best part of Geocaching is that it has helped us learn more about our state of Kentucky and see the beauty it has to offer.

So welcome to my little home on the web.  Please feel free to leave a comment. If you have a Geocaching blog, please be sure to let me know!

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